Online Sales Training Platform #1 in the World

From 15% to 30% increase in sales in 90 days or less


Over 700 courses focusing on sales and closing.

1. Sales Fundamentals – 28 Courses

2. Understanding Buyer Psychology- 29 Courses

3. The Perfect Sales System- 73 Courses

4. 7 Top Sales Secrets

5. 64 Traits of Great Entrepreneurs- 65 Courses 

6. Secrets to Closing the Sale

7. Mastering Objections – 19 Courses

8. Mastering the Close – 42 Courses

9. Advanced Closing and Negotiating Strategies – 245 Courses

10. Advanced Follow-up Strategies- 132 Courses

11. Mastering the Cold Call- 42 Courses

What you'll get

– How to Restart your Sales in a Declining Economy 

 How to Win in Businessmaking After COVID-19

 Learn to Lead a Remote Team

 Identify the Secret to Get your Associates on the Same Page

 Learn to Stay Positive and Motivated Every Day

 Learn to Escalate your Business Without Sacrificing Profit


Interactive lessons that cover all the types of money-making skills that your teams should have to fight against a difficult economy.


Equip your team 24/7 with unlimited access to all available on-demand courses to help them find new businessin a competitive scenario


Who is Grant Cardone?

Your Instructor


  • Companies that make over 250 million dollars a year
  • Classified as the number 1 marketing influencer by Forbes
  • A real-estate portfolio of over 1.5 billion dollars
  • He owns the world’s number one Business Conference 
  • 7-time best-selling author of the New York Times 

Why choose the world's number one business training platform?

Cardone University is the greatest collection with the best training:

Grant Cardone becomes your personal trainer in sales and business, together with the 24/7 support of the Cardone and SalesMachine® teams.

You can build an unbreakable sales force that will give your company immunity in any economic scenario.

Are you ready to become a true professional?

Access the platform from any device at any time

The training platform can be easily accessed from mobile phones, tablets and desktops… So no matter where you are, training is right there with you, at your fingertips. Designed with your convenience in mind, you will always have quick, portable access to over 800 courses.

Here is a quick view of what you will learn with the courses

You won't hit your first million by sheer luck... or by coincidence... or destiny... or by chance...

The objective of the first million belongs to those who:

…until they hit their first million, and beyond!

Advanced Closing is the key to unblock your unlimited profit-making potential.

In the last 35 years, Grant Cardone has sold and negotiated everything from a 200 dollar suit to an 80 million dollar apartment complex….

Grant has packed all his experience and the “lessons learned” throughout his career in a gigantic program for sales acceleration.

Do you want to get complete information on the courses?

Download the complete course curriculum

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